Happy Anniversary


8 Years ago today I married my friend. Granted between then and now we were not always so kind to each other. Then on this day in 2009 I renewed my vows with that same man, only we decided to put Christ in the center of our marriage. Today I was reflecting on our entire relationship over 11 years and looking at the pictures that capture moments in time so long ago and I look at what we have grown in to and I love every bit of it. The good of course because it was fun and good and makes me smile. The bad because although it may be ugly and sad it has made us grow. Finally the worse~er...lol Yes there was worse~er in our life together and it was so painful and so cruel and at times hateful I love it too because we grew stronger through it and I rely on Jeremy 100% now to be there FOR me and I learned how to be truly in love with him and not in lust with him, Our first several years were based on lust rather than love and we fought allot, split up a few times and said SO much trying to break each other. We have done things that cut deep in our relationship and yet we pulled through. After everything Jer and I have been through I DO not Believe ANY marriage needs to end up in divorce, I believe that you can save it NO MATTER the trespasses. We have had almost every one you could think of in ours and Through CHRIST alone did we reconcile. I am so head over heels in love with my husband and can only thank God for that!
I am so happy to have this man in my life who loves me for me, is an amazing father, provides for his family, makes me laugh, holds me when I am afraid, walks with Christ while leading our home. Jer is the one God has chosen to be with me forever and always, my soul mate, my counselor, my confidant, my helper, my spiritual leader, my lover, my best friend. I cannot live without him and don't even try to imagine what I would do if I lost him it breaks my heart even at the thought! I look forward to growing old with him where ever we are if he is there it is home! I can not wait to see what our future holds and what paths God will lead us down. I love you and cherish each day I am blessed to wake up next to you Jeremy Enns!
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