Originally Posted on Facebook but I liked it so much thought I'd share here!!

~FunnY StorY~~

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 9:46pm
DAY 1~~ So last night in the midst of having an intense conversation with my husband between questions and answers between the two of us i could swear i could hear little noises in the kitchen and noticing these noises didn't phase my hubby we continued with the conversation. a few noises later i noticed my cats attention had been caught by the noises now, and with all our kids being in bed i knew it was not one of them. so now with me and the cat both focusing on the direction of the strange sounds, Jeremy is now curious and claims to hear it too now. so there we are listening and looking into the darkness of our kitchen in the direction of the undercarriage of our fridge...not a pretty sight...(what is all under there??) so now this noise is a bit louder and we decide to investigate. Jer grabs his little key chain light that doesn't even give off too much light. and from the distance of at least a few feet he shines it under the fridge and i and my cat are in there like dirty shirts expecting something with fur come crawling out but nothing and the noise stops. so Jer decides to turn on the light and shake the fridge a little bit, to maybe stir up whats under there, but nothing. so then he pulls a chair over and stands on it while shifting the fridge back and forth slowly inching it outwards. meanwhile both Mufasa our cat) and i are crouched down on the floor myself armed with a broom we are looking under the fridge watching for any kind of movement beyond the apparent collection of toys/papers/mixed nuts/assorted ornaments ( i know..what??) that the fridge has accumulated over the past while. nothing. So now jer has the fridge out a couple of feet and is still up on the chair, and he tells me to get the stuff from behind the fridge and i see magnets and dust and fluff and something sticky but no fur yet i still dont want to do this task, and he says wait i will pull out the stove too. so he does and me still armed with the broom have my eyes shifting in every direction hoping not to spot this critter that can chew so loudly. still nothing. so gladly i tell jer to get behind there and sweep it out i will clean it out where i am. Once all was swept up and mopped up, and pushed back into place we sighed at our done deeds and headed off to bed.

Day 2~~ Today was a day like every other, i am feeling better from my death defying illness...ok not really just strepp throat. anyways mouse was all i could think of. Tristan had an eye appointment at 10 and the two older boys had dentist appointments in the afternoon. so between the appointments our time spent at home i became Mouse Hunter. I stopped at our local grocer and purchashed top of the line, ultimate, mouse killing machines...Made by woodstream corp. none other than the almighty Victor mouse trap, ok so not so top of the line but they work. so i bought four. and once home got down to business setting the traps. So i could remember setting these things up with my Grandpa when i was younger and thought AHHH No problem piece of cake, i can do it. well turns out these bad boys are much more sensitive then i recalled. my first attempt resulted in a loud SNAP and instant tear jerking pain in a sensitive area bellow the neck and above the belly...yeah...I KNOW!!! Thankfully thick sweater caught MOST of it but not quite all! so i screamed and sat on the floor holding myself and gathered the victor, now that i am on the floor i have got the attention of my nosy cat so my second attempt goes as follows: 1.pull back squared bar on spring aiming AWAY from body. 2.while holding down spring bar try to stick the long hold down bar thingy into crooked hole on what i now know as bait holder(but why is it so hard to get the stick into the hole and why is it crooked?).3.SNAP...ooooo....ahhhh ouch...my poor little flat fat thumb....oh man that thing is quick.!!!! ok Victor i will take a longer look and figure you out...Attempt three...now i think i have it now...1.pull squared spring bar back aiming away from body. 2. while holding down spring bar flip long hold down bar thingy which actually attaches to the bait holder and does not go into hole. (genius how else would it be set off)ok soo sensitive...3. now place carefully in strategically thought out place where little critter would return. ahhh shoot....NO BAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok set off trap and bait with....yummm peanut butter...i think i want some too now that i think of it.....ok now put the P.B. on and reset stupid Victor...there now place in strategic places and wait for...the Snap.

Later that night~~~ SNAP......WAS THAT??? Oh my goodness it was!!! ok check the three traps set up first one clear, second clear, third...R.I.P. fuzz ball.

Victor and I well you see we have a new found respect for one another. Victor taught me how to use him and i taught him...uhm nothing its wood.

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