WOW!!! Ok New Post:)

OK so I TOTALLY didn't think this blog thing was going to even be read by anyone let alone commented on, That is awesome!!!LOL So I will update some things that have taken place lately and see what else is going on out there with other Blogger`s that I've enjoyed reading....OK let's see Lately on the home front...hmmmm ok lets go back a few months I think that is when I started this thing huh... (pause to check out date of last posting)
Yup July little brother's birthday...heehee So If I can even remember back that far anything happening back in July??? Well our youth pastor Mike gave his resignation to the church...well that was major news in the church and the community so major that it had some controversy surrounding it all and there were a TON of people asking questions. I feel as a Youth leader in the church that it was a shock but God`s Will and we may not Get It but His timing is always always always PERFECT!! So after LOTS of discussions with my husband, leadership, Mike, and God, I have accepted the situation and am moving on.
sooo What else...Ok July....well I dont want to really want to talk about July OR August for that matter...I actually am going to get with it because it is September something and I started this post a while back and changed my mind about where I was going with it and saved and quit, only to return to it now and I really am going to use this as a hobby to pass time once in awhile while the kids are in school.
SEPTEMBER: Ok as for our house there has been little news from us other than all three of our boys are in school right now and Jeremy has been away from home for work off and on for some time now. He is enjoying his job and that is great but there is a different tone in him, lonely up in The Pas.
Sad news on the church family front though. we have lost a great great guy who was the father of close friends of ours and my heart broke at the news. I cannot imagine the sorrows the family is feeling. I know there is joy in knowing this individual is celebrating up in heaven with our Heavenly Father but there is sadness in the fact it was sudden and there is a great family left to mourn. Our Love and prayers are with them all and of course I offered to assist in supporting them any way I could. Jeremy was very sad to hear the news especially being away from home all he could offer was prayers and love. I cant imagine the pain and sorrow the widow is going through and now that i am going to cry again I think I will move on.
Also this month it was my middle son's birthday on the ninth and he turned eight and I feel truly blessed to have my boys. He is a very sweet little man who is very electronic savvy and I cant even believe he is only eight sometimes. I LOVE YOU BOO!!
hmmm what else? Our youth kick off is coming up and that is exciting should be fun...well I dont know I am thinking if i continue to type I will end up discussing another frustrating situation that may leave a foul taste in my mouth so I think I should sign off for tonight...well thanks reader! Promise to try to be more productive on here!!haha